The world’s most sophisticated crash test centre – this is how Daimler announces their new building. The longest crash track has more than 200 meters; five crash blocks are available. Up to four crash tracks can be in operation at the same time.
The technology centre for vehicle safety in Sindelfingen (Germany) offers about 70 different test configurations. Besides classical tests, even vehicle-to-vehicle collisions from all angles or crash tests with trucks are possible. On a sled test facility, components are tested. For the measurement of vehicles before and after the crash, Mercedes Benz applies AICON’s mobile optical probe ProCam. Furthermore, the company uses MoveInspect DPS for online 3D dummy positioning.
Daimler has produced a video about the new state-of-the-art crash test center, even showing ProCam and DPS measurements. Have a closer look into the Mercedes Benz technology centre for vehicle safety.