Secure cloud-based computing is the motor behind the manufacturing industry’s digital transformation. It provides the computing power, storage, and IT infrastructure needed to process and analyse data, affordably and on-demand. Increasingly, manufacturers are looking to use cloud-supported data visualisation and analysis to create smarter factories, and Hexagon is at the forefront with its customers on this journey of change, by supporting them with new applications and evolved approaches to their existing processes.
But not all approaches to deploying cloud-computing in manufacturing bring the same benefits. Diego Tamburini, Microsoft’s Senior Industry Strategist for Design and Manufacturing and Sachin Mathur, Program Manager for Hexagon’s Smart Factory Solutions got together to discuss how manufacturers can gain from a shift to cloud-computing. And crucially, how they can do so securely.
They explored what taking an incremental approach to cloud-based application and platform deployment means to manufacturers. And how it can address discrete problems such as real-time asset management, and measure successes against clear business objectives.
Watch the video of their discussion to find out more.